

发布人:   发布时间:2017-12-21 18:33:09


Black and white iron processing must pay attention to the correct process, black-and-white iron in our life is more common, has been used in many industries. It is a treasure of all walks of life now, it is closely connected with our life, we often contact iron. Small to a screw to reach the building.


Black-and-white iron and we are all inseparable, in the various industries to solve a lot of problems for us. The performance of black-and-white iron and iron is very strong. We feel that in any place, we believe that everyone should be unfamiliar with the iron. Tianjin black-and-white iron processing after many years of effort to produce high quality black and white iron. It creates more value for the society and brings us a lot of convenience.



In the process of processing, we have to comply with some safety knowledge. Our security awareness security weightier than Mount Tai, needs very strong, pay attention to the local processing to pressure port staff, we do not directly hand to hand operation, more cannot be placed in a gap of the place, this is very dangerous.


During welding, we need to do well in the work of protection. We should use gloves to protect our hands. Our eyes also need us to protect well. In this way, we do not appear to cause damage to the eyes during the welding process.


In the process of processing, the process of Ji'nan's black-and-white iron is very complicated. We should take it seriously. In the process of operation, we should be able to comply with the rules and regulations better. We must not make fun of your own life. Every link is very important. When we protect ourselves, we can carry out construction. Safety construction is a must for every enterprise. If it is not operated properly, it will lead to serious consequences.


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