

发布人:   发布时间:2024-07-25 14:44:52

  3  风管制作

  3. Manufacturing of air ducts

  3.1 一般规定

  3.1 General Provisions

  3.1.1 金属板材风管的制作应符合下列规定:

  3.1.1 The production of metal sheet air ducts shall comply with the following regulations:

  1 普通钢板的表面应平整、光滑,厚度均匀,允许有紧密的氧化铁薄膜;不得有裂纹、结疤等缺陷,其材质应符合现行标准《碳素结构钢冷轧薄钢板和钢带》GB/T 13237或《碳素结构钢热轧薄钢板和钢带》GB/T 710的规定。

  The surface of ordinary steel plates should be flat, smooth, and of uniform thickness, with a tight iron oxide film allowed; There shall be no defects such as cracks or scars, and the material shall comply with the current national standards GB/T 13237 "High quality Carbon Structural Steel Cold Rolled Thin Steel Plates and Strips" or GB/T 710 "High quality Carbon Structural Steel Hot Rolled Thin Steel Plates and Strips".20230920388239.jpg

  2 镀锌钢板(带)宜选用机械咬合类,其锌层厚度应符合设计或合同的规定,当无任何规定时,应采用不低于80g/m?(Z80)的板材,其材质应符合现行标准《连续热镀锌钢板及钢带》GB/T 2518的规定。

  2. Galvanized steel plates (strips) should be selected with mechanical interlocking type, and the thickness of the zinc layer should comply with the design or contract requirements. When there are no regulations, a minimum of 80g/m should be used? The material of the (Z80) sheet should comply with the current national standard GB/T 2518 for continuous hot-dip galvanized steel sheets and strips.

  3 不锈钢板应采用奥氏体不锈钢材料,其表面不应有明显的划痕、斑痕等缺陷,材质应符合现行标准《不锈钢冷轧钢板和钢带》GB 3280的规定。

  The stainless steel plate should be made of austenitic stainless steel material, and its surface should not have obvious defects such as scratches or spots. The material should comply with the current national standard "Cold rolled Stainless Steel Plates and Strips" GB 3280.

  4 铝板应采用纯铝板或防锈铝合金板,其表面不应有明显的划痕、斑痕等缺陷,材质应符合现行标准《一般工业用铝及铝合金板、带材》第二部分:力学性能GB/T 3880.2的规定。

  4. The aluminum plate should be made of pure aluminum plate or rust proof aluminum alloy plate, and its surface should not have obvious defects such as scratches or spots. The material should comply with the current national standard "General Industrial Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Plate and Strip" Part 2: Mechanical Properties GB/T 3880.2.

  3.1.2 金属型钢应符合现行标准《热轧钢棒尺寸、外形重量及允许偏差》GB/T 702、《热轧型钢》GB/T 706等的规定。

  3.1.2 Metallic steel shall comply with the current national standards such as GB/T 702 for dimensions, external weight, and allowable deviations of hot-rolled steel bars and GB/T 706 for hot-rolled steel sections.

  3.1.3 非金属、复合材料风管的制作应符合下列规定:

  The production of non-metallic and composite material air ducts shall comply with the following regulations:

  1 复合材料的铝箔表层材质应符合现行标准《铝及铝合金箔》GB/T 3198的规定,厚度不应小于0.06mm。当铝层复合有增强材料时应符合现行行业标准《矿物棉绝热制品用复合贴面材料》JC/T 2028的规定,其厚度不应小于0.012mm。镀锌板面层材质应符合现行标准《连续热镀锌钢板及钢带》GB/T2518。有增强纤维材料时,其重量应大于或等于16g/m?。

  The surface material of aluminum foil for composite materials should comply with the current national standard "Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Foil" GB/T 3198, and the thickness should not be less than 0.06mm. When the aluminum layer is reinforced with composite materials, it should comply with the current industry standard JC/T 2028 for composite veneer materials for mineral wool insulation products, and its thickness should not be less than 0.012mm. The material of the galvanized sheet surface layer should comply with the current national standard GB/T2518 for continuous hot-dip galvanized steel sheets and strips. When there is reinforced fiber material, its weight should be greater than or equal to 16g/m?.

  2 复合板材的复合层应粘结牢固,内部隔热材料不得裸露在外。板材外表面单面的分层、塌凹等缺陷不得大于6%。

  The composite layer of the composite board should be firmly bonded, and the internal insulation material should not be exposed to the outside. The defects such as delamination and collapse on one side of the outer surface of the board shall not exceed 6%.

  3 铝箔热敏、压敏胶带和胶粘剂的燃烧性能应满足B级要求,并应在使用期限内。胶粘剂应与风管材质相匹配,且符合要求。胶带的宽度不应小于50mm,铝厚度不应小于0.045mm。铝箔压敏密封胶带采用180剥离强度试验时,剥离强度不应低于0.52N/mm。铝热敏胶带熨烫面应有加热到150℃时变色的感温色点。热敏密封胶带180剥离强度试验时,剥离强度不应低于0.68N/mm。

  The combustion performance of aluminum foil thermosensitive, pressure-sensitive adhesive tape and adhesive should meet the B-level requirements and should be within the service life. The adhesive should match the material of the air duct and meet environmental requirements. The width of the tape should not be less than 50mm, and the thickness of the aluminum should not be less than 0.045mm. When conducting a 180 degree peel strength test on aluminum foil pressure-sensitive sealing tape, the peel strength should not be less than 0.52N/mm. The aluminum thermal tape ironing surface should have temperature sensitive color spots that change color when heated to 150 ℃. When conducting a 180 degree peel strength test on thermal sealing tape, the peel strength should not be less than 0.68N/mm.

  4 硬聚氯乙烯板材应符合现行标准《硬质聚氯乙烯板材 分类、尺寸和性能》第1部分:厚度1mm以上板材GB/T 22798.1的规定。硬聚氯乙烯板材不应有气泡、分层、碳化、变形和裂纹等缺陷。

  4. The rigid PVC sheet shall comply with the current national standard "Classification, Dimensions and Properties of Rigid PVC Sheet" Part 1: GB/T 22798.1 for sheets with a thickness of 1mm or more. The rigid polyvinyl chloride sheet should not have defects such as bubbles, delamination, carbonization, deformation, and cracks.

  5 彩钢板复合材料风管的彩钢板材应符合现行标准《彩色涂层钢板及钢带》GB/T 12754的规定,表面不得有裂纹及明显氧化层、起皮和涂层脱落等缺陷,且加工时不得损坏涂层,被损坏的部分应涂防腐涂料。

  The color steel plate of the 5 color steel plate composite material air duct should comply with the provisions of the current national standard GB/T 12754 "Color Coated Steel Plate and Strip", and the surface should not have cracks, obvious oxidation layer, peeling and coating peeling defects, and the coating should not be damaged during processing. The damaged parts should be coated with anti-corrosion paint.

  6 非金属、复合材料风管板材的技术参数及适用范围应符合表3.1.3的规定。用于高压系统的非金属风管厚度应符合设计规定。

  The technical parameters and applicable scope of non-metallic and composite material air duct panels shall comply with the provisions of Table 3.1.3. The thickness of non-metallic air ducts used in high-voltage systems should comply with the design specifications.

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