

发布人:   发布时间:2018-03-14 18:10:19

1. air contains a room with easy fire or explosive material, and the air supply and exhaust air should be ventilated with explosion-proof type. The air blower is located in a separate ventilated machine room with a check valve on the air supply pipe, and ordinary ventilation equipment can be used.
2. remove the air that has the dangerous dust of burning and explosion, and should be cleaned before entering the exhaust fan. For air containing explosive aluminum and magnesium and other dust, we should use no spark cleaner, such as dust and water contact can form explosive mixture, and no wet dust collector should be used.

3. the air exhauster and dust collector with dangerous explosive dust should be arranged in groups and should be set separately from other general fan dust remover.
4., clean dry dust filters and filters with explosive hazardous dust. They should be arranged in the independent building outside the production plant, and the fire protection distance between the buildings and the factory buildings should not be less than 10 meters. But one of the following conditions the dry dust collector and filters can be arranged in a separate room within the production plant. The continuous cleaning equipment. ⑵风量不超过15000m3/h、且集尘斗的储尘量小于60kg的定期清灰的除尘器和过滤器。
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