

发布人:   发布时间:2018-09-18 14:12:58


With the development of society and economy, people's desire to enjoy modern facilities and equipment has been strengthened. Air conditioning system has been used more and more. The rationality of air conditioning and ventilation duct system plays an important role in improving the effective utilization rate of energy and reducing the waste of energy. Use. How to ensure the existing building functions and living environment quality at the same time, but also to take into account the energy-saving and economic, so that energy-saving renovation project has been recognized by users, more conducive to promoting energy-saving renovation. This requires a new evaluation method, rather than the traditional single evaluation which only considers energy-saving or economic, to reflect the advantages of energy-saving transformation. At present, with the continuous improvement of ventilation engineering construction technology, the ventilation system has a high requirement for air duct production and installation, but there are still problems affecting the construction quality. This article will discuss the quality control of installation and construction of ventilation system in office buildings.



1. preparation before construction


The quality of the purifying duct is directly related to whether the system meets the design parameters and normal operation requirements. It is usually made in two ways: factory centralized production and on-site production. No matter which method of production is adopted, the cleanliness and closure of the site should be guaranteed. It is better to use cement ground or ground to lay metal plate, its area must not be less than 100m?, and to meet the lighting and lighting conditions, the purified air duct should be stacked and cared for; if prefabricated site is selected, it should be guaranteed in advance. The finished duct can be transported to the construction site in time to minimize the distance of the duct, which can avoid the pollution of the duct in the process of transportation.


2. design and installation of duct


Selection of duct thickness

板厚对风管的质量影响较大,为了保证风管的重量,要选用较小板厚的风管,但是选用的过程还是和风管的尺寸和压力级别有关。在我国,大部分的金属风管采用的是热镀锌钢板和钢带,他的基体是冷轧低碳结构钢板,其抗拉强度>270 ,延伸率>24%,厚度允许差值为d=0.6-1.2mm范围内(±0.07-0.13mm),因为我国的工业技术和检测技术与国外具有一定差距,国内采用的风管板厚要比国外标准大20%,但随着我国经济技术的不断发展,许多国内厂商已经有能力生产厚度均匀的板材,因而在风管选择较小板厚时,要选择误差范围小的钢板,以免造成钢材的浪费。

The thickness of the air duct has a great influence on the quality of the air duct. In order to ensure the weight of the air duct, the minimum thickness of the air duct should be selected, but the selection process is still related to the size and pressure level of the air duct. In our country, most of the metal ducts are hot-dip galvanized steel sheet and steel strip. Its base is cold-rolled low-carbon structural steel sheet. Its tensile strength is more than 270, elongation is more than 24%, and the allowable difference of thickness is within the range of d=0.6-1.2 mm (+0.07-0.13 mm). Because of the gap between the industrial technology and the testing technology in our country and abroad, it is adopted domestically. The thickness of duct plate is 20% bigger than that of foreign standards, but with the development of economy and technology in our country, many domestic manufacturers have been able to produce high quality sheet with uniform thickness. Therefore, when choosing the minimum thickness of duct, the steel plate with small error range should be selected to avoid waste of steel.


In addition, from the design point of view, it is noteworthy that a system can exist at the same time several corresponding to different static pressure levels of the duct thickness. At the end of the positive pressure duct system or the front of the negative pressure duct, the low pressure duct can be used, and the middle or high pressure duct can be used near the fan.


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