

发布人:   发布时间:2019-04-25 15:56:23


  Advantages and disadvantages of ventilation pipes of different materials?

  普通冷轧钢板:便宜、易腐蚀 ,一般通风用送风、回风、新风、排风、排烟系统。镀锌钢板: 耐腐蚀性相比刚办好,但在加工过程中铁皮 对温湿度要求较高场合的送回风系统,超净系统中效过滤,易脱落,油漆不易附着 器前和中效过滤器之间的送风系统。铝合金板:不起尘、贵, 30级净化系统过滤器之后送风系统。

  Ordinary cold-rolled steel plate: cheap, easy to corrode, general ventilation with air supply, return air, fresh air, exhaust air, smoke exhaust system. Galvanized steel sheet: Corrosion resistance is better than just done, but in the process of processing iron sheet on high temperature and humidity requirements occasions of air supply and return system, ultra-clean system effective filtration, easy to fall off, paint is not easy to attach to the pre-and medium-to high-efficiency filter air supply system. Aluminum alloy sheet: Dust-free, expensive, 30-level purification system after high-efficiency filter air supply system.

  硬聚氯乙烯板:山东通风管道表面光滑,不起尘耐腐蚀、较贵、易老化 ,过滤器后送风管,表面处理车间排风系统。

  Hard polyvinyl chloride board: Shandong ventilation pipe surface is smooth, dust-free, corrosion-resistant, expensive, easy to aging, high-efficiency filter rear air supply pipe, surface treatment workshop exhaust system.


  For more complex civil buildings, in the design stage, each type of work (HVAC, water supply and drainage, power supply and lighting and architecture) should first negotiate the space separation and determine the elevation range of each kind of pipeline. Normally, it is not allowed to go beyond the limits set for itself. Consultation with other projects should be conducted when there is an individual pipeline crossing the boundary. The principle of solving the collision and coordination of various ventilation pipes is generally as follows: "Small pipes let big pipes, pressure let no pressure". For example, when a water pipe collides with an air pipe, the water pipe should turn. When the cold and hot water pipes collide with the sewer pipes, the cold and hot water pipes should be changed. Before the construction, the Engineer in charge of the equipment shall draw the pipelines of each type of work on a single plan. Each pipe uses a colour pen. Integrate the elevation at each intersection to see if there are any contradictions, find out in time, and solve the problem before installation. In order to reduce investment, save space and reduce floor height, some pipes without gradient requirements can be laid through beams (such as tap water pipes, fire spraying dry pipes, etc.).

  通风管道风管主要应用在工业及建筑工程中, 应用领域有:适用于工业、各种建筑的空调通风工程安装,广泛应用在食品加工、机械制造、药业制品、电子工业、购物中心、棉纺织、体育娱乐场所、酒店、宾馆、、写字楼、、小型别墅、航空航天制造等领域,特别适用在消防通风管道设备工程及人防送、排风工程安装和工业通风领域。换气降温:由于阳光照射建筑物、机器设备、人体等热源导致需要通风的场所气温高于室外。负压风机能将室内热气迅速排出,让室温和外界温度持平,不于车间内温度升高。

  Ventilation ducts are mainly used in industrial and construction projects. The application fields include: air conditioning and ventilation engineering installation for industrial and various buildings, widely used in food processing, machinery manufacturing, pharmaceutical products, electronic industry, shopping malls, cotton textile, sports and entertainment places, hotels, hotels, supermarkets, office buildings, government agencies, small villas, aerospace manufacturing. It is especially suitable for fire fighting and ventilation pipeline engineering, central air supply and exhaust engineering installation and industrial environmental protection and ventilation. Air exchange and cooling: Because of the sunlight irradiation on buildings, machinery and equipment, human body and other heat sources, the temperature of places requiring ventilation is higher than that of outdoors. The negative pressure fan can expel the indoor hot air quickly, so that the room temperature and the outside temperature are equal, so as not to increase the temperature in the workshop.


  Air flow takes away human heat. Air flow accelerates sweat evaporation and absorbs human heat, which makes the human body feel cool, as cool as natural wind. The negative pressure fan only has the function of ventilation and cooling, and has no refrigeration function. Coolness is the human body's feeling. It is ignorant to say how much temperature can be lowered by a negative pressure fan. With water curtain, the temperature in the workshop can be controlled within 28 degrees Celsius at the hottest time in summer. But the human body's cool feeling can be compared with air-conditioning, a little longer in front of the water curtain people will feel cold and unbearable. Good toughness and non-embrittlement is one of the advantages of galvanized duct. The duct is processed and installed in any ventilated environment. Long-term wind and rain make some materials aging, deteriorating, corrosive and rusty. The galvanized layer of galvanized sheet duct protects the iron sheet of duct from oxidation.



  At present, products commonly used in air conditioning engineering, ventilation and smoke exhaust system and purification engineering. Galvanized air duct has smooth inner wall, low resistance, low ventilation loss, low energy consumption, saving operation cost, good airtightness and airtightness, and high compressive strength. 同时良好的防火性能也是镀锌风管在工程中应用广泛的原因之一。 Galvanized air duct is easy to install, easy to make on site, and closely cooperates with civil engineering. It is suitable for very complex purification and ventilation projects. Products are mostly used in large shopping malls, office buildings, subway stations, supermarkets, modern factories, such as fire and smoke exhaust, air conditioning and ventilation, dust exhaust and ventilation. Tuo Ventilation Pipeline Company has strong comprehensive strength, sophisticated technical equipment and rich construction experience. For a long time, the majority of cadres and workers of the company carry forward the enterprise spirit of "hard work, dedication to work, love of posts, standardized management and high-quality service", adhere to the guiding ideology of quality business, and build a large number of provincial and municipal high-quality projects with excellent quality, fast speed and good benefits.



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