

发布人:   发布时间:2019-06-28 17:00:43


  What is the requirement for the quality of ventilation, smoke prevention and exhaust equipment? The following is introduced by the relevant personnel of the ventilation pipeline.

  1、支吊托架、规格、间距必需契合设计请求,风口阀门等处不得设置吊杆, 风管吊杆必需结实、位置标高及走向契合设计请求,部件装置请求方向正确,操作便当,防火阀检修口必需便于操作。

  1. The brackets, specifications and spacing of supporting cranes must meet the design requirements. No suspenders shall be installed at the vent valves and other places. The Suspenders of air ducts must be strong, elevated and aligned with the design requirements. The components and devices shall request the correct direction and operate conveniently. The fire valve overhaul ports must be easy to operate.

  2、本工程小于630mm新风管采用无法兰风管衔接方式,无法兰加工,无法兰衔接风管的接口采用机械加工尺寸正确,外形规则,接口紧密,插条式法兰衔接, 插条用0.8mm镀锌钢板下料咬形。插条两端压接两平面各20mm,风管装置时把插条与风管衔接;风管吊装好时,用打高分子密封胶密封紧密.

  2. The new air ducts less than 630 mm in this project are connected by non-blue air ducts and can not be processed by blue air ducts. The interfaces of non-blue air ducts are machined correctly with correct dimensions, regular shapes, compact interfaces, insert flange connection and 0.8 mm galvanized steel strip undercut. The two ends of the plunger are pressed into two planes of 20 mm each, and the plunger is connected with the air duct when the air duct is installed; when the air duct is hoisted, it is sealed tightly with high polymer sealant.



  Do you know the installation quality requirements of ventilation, smoke prevention and exhaust equipment - Shandong ventilation pipeline:

  3、风口装置位置正确,外露局部子整美观排列划一分歧。粘贴保温钉前应将风管壁上尘土、油污肃清,将 粘贴剂分别涂抹在风管和保温钉上,稍干后再将其粘上,保温钉粘贴密度12只/m2。何温板下料及铺设:下料要精确,切割要平齐,搭接要紧密、平整,散材不 可外露,板材纵横缝错开。

  3. The position of the tuyere device is correct, and the exposed parts are arranged beautifully and divided into different parts. Dust and oil on the wall of air duct should be removed before pasting heat preservation nails. The adhesive should be applied on the air duct and heat preservation nails separately. After a little drying, the heat preservation nails should be pasted with a density of 12 nails per m2. The blanking and laying of He Wen board: the blanking should be accurate, the cutting should be smooth, the lap should be tight and flat, the bulk material should not be exposed, and the longitudinal and transverse seams of the board should be staggered.


  4. Measurement of Leakage and Air Leakage

  5、漏光法检测应采用光线对小孔的强穿透力,对系统风管紧密水平停止了检测办法,采用具有一定强度的平安光源。如低压灯lOOW带维护罩的低压照明灯,或者其 它低压光源。低压风管每lorn不应大于2处且lOOm接缝均匀不应大于16处,中压系统每10m不应超1处,且100m接缝均匀不应大于8处,都为合格 漏光,检测 中如发现条缝形漏光的应及时停止密封处置。

  5. The light leakage method should adopt the strong penetrating force of light to the small hole, stop the detection method of the tight level of the air duct of the system, and adopt the safe light source with a certain intensity. For example, low-voltage lamp lOW low-voltage lamp with maintenance cover, or other low-voltage light source. Low pressure air duct should not be more than 2 lorn and lOOm seams should not be more than 16 uniformly, medium pressure system should not exceed 1 per 10 m, and 100 m seams should not be more than 8 uniformly, all of which are qualified light leakage. Sealing disposal should be stopped in time if strip-shaped light leakage is found in detection.


  Do you know the installation quality requirements of ventilation, smoke prevention and exhaust equipment - Shandong ventilation pipeline:

  6、漏风量测试应采用检验合格的专用丈量仪表或采用契合现行国度规范(流量丈量节流安装)规则的计量元件搭设的丈量安装。漏风管测试安装可采用风管 式或风室式。风管式测试安装采用孔板作计量元件,风室式测试安装采用喷嘴作计量元件,后测出的实测值与设计给定的数值不应小于10%为合格。

  6. The air leakage measurement test shall adopt the special measuring instruments which are qualified or the measuring elements which conform to the current national standard (flow measurement and throttling installation) rules. Air duct or air chamber can be used for testing and installation of air leakage pipe. The orifice plate is used as the measuring element in the air duct type test installation, and the nozzle is used as the measuring element in the air chamber type test installation. The final measured value and the design given value should not be less than 10% qualified.


  If you want to understand more, can consult our Shandong ventilation pipe equipment manufacturer , we will serve you!


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