

发布人:   发布时间:2024-04-25 08:50:04


The ventilation and smoke exhaust duct facilities in high-rise buildings should be divided into mechanical smoke exhaust facilities and natural smoke exhaust facilities that can open external windows.


The mechanical smoke exhaust system of the room is set up according to smoke prevention zones.

(1)一类高层建筑和建筑高度超过32m 的二类高层建筑的下列部位应设排烟设施:

(1) Smoke exhaust facilities should be installed in the following areas of Class I high-rise buildings and Class II high-rise buildings with a height exceeding 32m:

1)长度超过20m 的内走道;

1) Internal walkways exceeding 20m in length;


2) A room with an area exceeding 100m2 and frequently occupied by people or high levels of combustible materials;


3) The atrium of high-rise buildings and basements with frequent human stays or high levels of combustible materials.


(2) Ventilation and air conditioning systems should adopt fire and smoke prevention measures.

(3)一类高层建筑和建筑高度超过32m 的二类高层建筑的下列部位,应设置机械排烟设施:

(3) Mechanical smoke exhaust facilities should be installed in the following areas of Class I high-rise buildings and Class II high-rise buildings with a height exceeding 32m:

无直接自然通风,且长度超过20m 的内走道或虽有直接自然通风,但长度超过60m 的内走道;

Internal walkways without direct natural ventilation and with a length exceeding 20m, or internal walkways with direct natural ventilation but a length exceeding 60m;


A room above ground without windows or with fixed windows, with an area exceeding 100m2 and frequent presence of people or combustible materials;

不具备自然排烟条件或净空高度超过12m 的中庭;

Atriums that do not have natural smoke exhaust conditions or have a clearance height exceeding 12m;

除利用窗井等开窗进行自然排烟的房间外,各房间总面积超过200m2 或一个房间面积超过50m2,且经常有人停留或可燃物较多的地下室。

Except for rooms that use window wells and other openings for natural smoke exhaust, basements with a total area of over 200m2 or a room area of over 50m2 and frequent presence of people or high levels of combustible materials.



Ventilation and smoke exhaust duct facilities installed in high-rise buildings should meet the following requirements:


(1) The smoke exhaust outlet should be located on the ceiling or on the wall near the ceiling, and the horizontal distance between it and the adjacent edge of the nearby safety exit along the aisle direction should not be less than 1.50m. The distance between the smoke exhaust outlet installed on the ceiling and combustible components or materials should not be less than 1.00m.


The smoke exhaust outlet should be closed normally and equipped with manual and automatic opening devices.


(2) The horizontal distance between the smoke exhaust outlet in the smoke prevention zone and the farthest point should not exceed 30m.


A smoke exhaust fire damper that can close automatically when the smoke temperature exceeds 280 ℃ should be installed on the smoke exhaust branch.


(3) The smoke exhaust fan can be a centrifugal fan or an axial flow smoke exhaust fan, and a smoke exhaust fire damper that can automatically close when the smoke temperature exceeds 280 ℃ should be installed at the entrance of the machine room. The smoke exhaust fan should be able to operate continuously for 30 minutes at 280 ℃.


(4) In a mechanical smoke exhaust system, when any smoke exhaust outlet or smoke exhaust valve is opened, the smoke exhaust fan should be able to start on its own.


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