

发布人:   发布时间:2017-12-14 15:52:24

  1. 设备及配件进场
    1. equipment and accessories enter
    general provisions
    1》 主要设备应有装箱清单、设备说明书、产品质量合格证书和产品性能检测报告等随机文件,进口设备还应具有商检合格的证明文件。所有产品的型号、规格均应符合设计要求。
    1, the main equipment should have the packing list, the equipment instruction, the product quality certificate and the product performance test report and so on. The imported equipment should also have the certificate of qualified inspection. The model and specifications of all the products should be in accordance with the design requirements.
    2, before the installation of the equipment, the box should be opened and the acceptance text record should be formed. The participants are representatives of the units such as construction, supervision, construction and manufacturers.
    3 》设备就位前应对其基础进行验收,合格后方能安装。
    3, the equipment should be accepted before it is in place, and the equipment can be installed after it is qualified.

    4 》设备的搬运和吊装必须符合产品说明书的有关规定,并应做好设备的保护工作,防止因搬运或吊装而造成设备损伤。
    4, the handling and hoisting of equipment must comply with the relevant provisions of the product instructions, and equipment protection should be done to prevent equipment damage due to handling or lifting.
    2 风管
    2 wind pipe
    1 》普通风管的材料品种、规格、性能与厚度等应符合设计和现行产品标准的规定。金属风管的钢板或镀锌钢板的厚度不得小于表7.1.2的规定。
    1 "the material, specifications, performance and thickness of the ordinary wind pipe should be in accordance with the requirements of the design and the current national product standards. The thickness of the steel plate or galvanized steel sheet of the metal wind pipe shall not be less than that of table 7.1.2.
    钢板风管板材厚度(mm)风管直径或长边尺寸b b 送风系统 排烟系统 b≤320 0.5 0.8 320
    The wind pipe plate thickness (mm) wind pipe diameter or long side B size B ventilation system and exhaust system B = 3200.5 0.8320
    Check number: no less than 1, 10% by batch. Inspection method: check the certificate of the product, performance test report, observation or test.



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